Thursday, 1 May 2014

Reflections: Iona Anderson

My time in Voss was absolutely mind blowing! I remember how nervous I was and how leaving my family and friends behind for a month sounded crazy! But I wouldn't take anything back and really enjoyed my time in Norway. I worked in a small cafe called Tre Brør which was situated in the middle of the small town. My main jobs were serving, waitressing and cleaning the inside and outside which was all fantastic! The members of staff were really friendly and comforting which made my time away from Shetland a lot easier, also making some new friends! I got the chance to learn about new cultures and a new language, this being very inspiring to me. We had it really lucky with the weather there as it was nearly always sunny, warm and no wind! It was so amazing to see the scenery and also the fjords! One of the most memorable things we did was the Voss Vindtunnel, indoor skydiving. They say its equivalent to skydiving 4 times in a row at 175km an hour! It was crazy fun. My highlights being my work, meeting new people, seeing the beautiful country and being independent! I highly recommend it to every student able to apply next year.

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